Despite the attention-grabbing yet fitting first part of the above heading, explained in the next paragraph, the rest of this post may interest only the more mathematically inclined. Given the second part of the headline, this shouldn’t be too surprising.
The book A Natural Afterlife Discovered reveals the reality of our natural eternal consciousness (NEC), which is unbelievable. Who would have thought that with death, such consciousness was possible? Moreover, this NEC can provide a natural afterlife, which is unbelievable. Who would have thought that any afterlife would be natural, i.e., scientifically supported? Furthermore, this natural afterlife can provide a heaven of maximum, eternal happiness, which is once again unbelievable if one analyzes the aspects of most heavens that people envision and sees the logical inconsistencies. These unbelievable phenomena are thoroughly discussed in the book.
In this treatise, I show how they are backed by science, math, and logic by mathematically expressing the NEC theory’s scientific validity. The level of mathematics I employ is precalculus, using the concepts of function and limit (lim), and logic, using conjunction (˄), negation (¬), and implication (→) operations. Cognitive science and neuroscience support the validity of the propositions.
Chapter 9 of my book argues that the NEC theory is valid as a scientific theory. This validity is expressed more formally below as a logical implication based on the conjunction of three propositions. (Though the function BF and event eu within the expression are defined in its subsequent explanation, pages 142 – 147 of Chapter 9 provide more detail.)
With corresponding terms and operators given in brackets, the above expression can be read as follows:
- The paused consciousness during timelessness [PCT] theory is scientifically valid (see pages 141 and 142); and [˄]
- the lower limit of brain functioning [lim BF(Δtbbd)] as the time before brain death [Δtbbd] approaches [→] 0 is equal to [=] zero, which implies [→] that the lower limit of the probability [lim P] of finding an unknown event [eu] signaling death as BF(Δtbbd) approaches [→] 0 is 0%, which implies (→) that the upper limit of the probability [lim P] of the NEC as P(eu, BF(Δtbbd)) approaches [→] 0% is 100%; and (˄)
- an unknown event [eu] has not [¬] been found. All of which implies (→)
the natural eternal consciousness (NEC) theory is scientifically valid.
The NEC theory is a scientific theory because all three propositions have been empirically verified and can be falsified because every condition in the main premise of the above expression occurs before death. Recognizing that it all takes place before death, materially, should hopefully make the NEC less unbelievable.